Plant growing leaves with pound signs

Save money
on your NIC.

We help businesses save money on their National Insurance contributions using HMRC-approved salary sacrifice.

Plant growing leaves with pound signs
  • Only pay if you save
  • No need to switch pensions
  • You choose how to split your savings
Start saving

Working with all main pension providers, including…

Aegon logoAviva logoLegal and General logoNest logoNow logoPhoenix logoThe People's logoPrudential logoRoyal London logoSmart logoStandard Life logoScottish Widows logoAegon logoAviva logoLegal and General logoNest logoNow logoPhoenix logoThe People's logoPrudential logoRoyal London logoSmart logoStandard Life logoScottish Widows logoAegon logoAviva logoLegal and General logoNest logoNow logoPhoenix logoThe People's logoPrudential logoRoyal London logoSmart logoStandard Life logoScottish Widows logo

What is SalarySeed?

We help businesses save money for themselves and their employees by optimising their pension contributions, and by helping set up government-funded schemes like the plug-in grant.

Easy peasy to implementNo change to your pensions5x ROI+
Watch our video to find out!

Estimate your savings

Based on standard Auto Enrolment contributions across total pay

We estimate we can save you and your employees a total of £0 a year.

Start saving on tax now!

« Change my estimate

If you have any questions or would like a more precise quote, please send us a message and we'll be happy to help!